Sunday, May 28, 2006

Pets !

I thought you would like to see some pictures of our pets.......the fish, Basil the Chipmunk, Barney the Cat, and our newest pet 5 week old Rolo the Rabbit. We only got Rolo yesterday.


stitching pooh said...

Cool blog love tha animals.I still haven't figured out how to apply pictures. But I'm doing this from a dummy computer at work on my lunch. I guess I'll have to hook up at home and use my camera. I took some really cool pics of cows that a local rancher has living on our property, free mowing.HAHA. Talk at ya later:)

Linda said...

lovely little animals..........who is the silly s*d who has got to feed them when you are on holiday!!! Still, would you give me your last Rolo???

Hazel said...

You can't have my last Rolo !!!!!
but, you can feed him while we are on holiday (and the other pets too!!)

Xiphi said...

Looks just like Sweep did before he turned into a viscious little sod....