Thursday, July 06, 2006

Pet Update

Here is a pet update.......

Basil the Chipmunk - she had to go to the vets to have part of her tail amputated, as she kept biting it and making it bleed.

Fish - I found one of the big ones on the grass the other day....dead.

Barney the Cat - Had a cut on his nose. Peter put some savlon on it, and he is OK now.

Rolo the Rabbit - He's OK. We thought we had potty trained him, but he keeps moving the potty around his cage now....I am going to have to try to weigh it down.

Other Pets.........

Joe & Adam - they are back from the Isle of Wight. They had a great time.

Peter - Still playing loads of golf.


Linda said...

You aren't having a good animal time are you!!!

Anonymous said...

and barney has now got fleas